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Get Rid of Dry Scalp with Nature’s Care

Get Rid of Dry Scalp with Nature’s Care

Whether you are a woman or a man, dry scalp is a problem for most of the people without any gender bias. If you have dry scalp, you can relate to persistent itching and irritating feeling in your head as well as very rough hair that is not strong from the roots.
Tips for Skin Care Treatments During monsoon

Tips for Skin Care Treatments During monsoon

If you rely solely on one skin care treatment or regime throughout the year, then you might need to reconsider. Skin care treatments and the regime needs to be changed according to the weather or the climatic condition that you are witnessing. With monsoon, both your skin and hair start suffering from humidity. The climatic conditions affect your skin and make it look dull.
Tips to lower LDL cholesterol

Tips to lower LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol or the bad cholesterol builds up in the walls of the arteries and narrows the flow of blood through the arteries. This could lead to hardening of the arteries and then lead to heart attack and can also cause other heart problems or health issues. Causes for increased LDL levels Consuming the wrong type of food items, leading a stressful life, high level of pollution, lack of exercise, and genes could be blamed for the increase in LDL levels.
Get your dry eyes treated

Get your dry eyes treated

If you are one of those people who work consistently on laptops and PCs then you probably know what we are talking about. We are here to discuss dry eyes, its causes, symptoms, and some eye drop for dry eyes too. But a word of caution, we recommend you consult your ophthalmologist before using them.
Generic Viagra and its effectiveness in erectile dysfunction

Generic Viagra and its effectiveness in erectile dysfunction

… Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection or keep it firm enough to have sexual intercourse in the period of a sexual act. It is often referred to as impotence. Having an erection problem isn’t uncommon in men who can experience it at times of stress and emotional duress.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids and its treatment

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids and its treatment

If you are suffering from excruciating pain during your bowel movements or morning routines, you could be suffering from external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be both external and internal, where the veins of the anus get enlarged or become dilated. In the case of external hemorrhoids, the dilation happens under the skin surrounding the anus.
Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are the swollen blood vessels that are located in the smooth muscle walls of the rectum and anus. They are cushioned by smooth muscles and connective tissue. The blood vessels of the rectum become swollen due to increased pressure within them. Hemorrhoids are common in human beings and occur at some stage during their lives.
Combating pain with simple techniques and new pain medications

Combating pain with simple techniques and new pain medications

Pain could be explained by a highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury. A person may experience pain and it could lead to a feeling of hurt, discomfort, distress and even agony. Pain could be continuous or constant that is termed as an ache or would it could be throbbing that is called a pulsating pain.
Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments of Leg Pain Behind the Knee

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments of Leg Pain Behind the Knee

There are several reasons due to which you can have leg pain such as conditions that affect joints, nerves, ligaments, bones, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, skin or tendons. One can have leg pain in the ankle, foot, behind the knee, knee, down the back, thigh or in any other part of the leg.
Effective Methods To Combat Allergies

Effective Methods To Combat Allergies

Allergic reaction in the body occurs as a result of hypersensitivity of the system to specific agents known as allergens. The best allergy treatments depend upon the type of allergic disease and the allergens involved in triggering the reaction. Both medications and natural remedies are considered as the best allergy treatments.
All the Information on Psoriasis You Need to Know

All the Information on Psoriasis You Need to Know

When one experiences an itch, it is natural to scratch it for relief. Constant scratching can worsen the skin condition, leading to redness and other signs of skin diseases such as psoriasis. This condition can also make it difficult to sleep and focus on daily activities. Although there is currently no known cure for psoriasis, health experts may typically recommend various treatment options to help one better cope with the skin disease.
Effective Ways To Treat Peripheral Neuropathy Foot Pain

Effective Ways To Treat Peripheral Neuropathy Foot Pain

Peripheral neuropathy foot pain occurs due to the damage of nerve fibers. These nerve fibers connect your brain and spinal cord to the feet. The nerves can enter a damaged state because of tissue injury. This injury can happen due to an external injury or because of infection. As a result, you will feel a continuous pain in the feet or around the feet.