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Dry Eyes – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Dry Eyes – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

The eyes are your window to the world. Not only do your eyes tell a tale during your times of happiness, but also in your times of sadness. You may cry out of joy or in pain, the only thing common to the two situations is the secretion of tears.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Eye Diseases

Common Signs and Symptoms of Eye Diseases

Eyes are the most complex organs in the entire human body. The cornea, iris, pupil, lens and retina are the different parts of an eye that work together to ensure clear vision. Eye diseases are a global health issue and adversely affect the mental and physical health of a person.
Different Kind of Allergies and Their Symptoms

Different Kind of Allergies and Their Symptoms

It is very important to have an in-depth understanding and awareness regarding your allergies and their subsequent symptoms. Allergic reactions vary from mild ones to very serious type and at times, can even prove to be fatal. You need to take the necessary precautions and adopt preventive measures in order to avoid further complications.
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is defined as the state or process in which abnormal cells inside the ovary start to multiply without any control, and thereby form a tumor. If a tumor is not treated, it can easily spread to other parts of the body as well. This type of specific condition is known as metastatic ovarian cancer.
Symptoms and Treatment of COPD

Symptoms and Treatment of COPD

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a collection of progressive lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and refractory asthma. These COPD-based lung diseases cause trouble in breathing and limit the airways. Chronic bronchitis narrows down the bronchial tubes and causes inflammation. Also, it builds up mucus. In emphysema, slowly the air sacs in the lungs get destroyed.
9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that currently affects around 5 million people in the world, out of which 1.5 million are in the people in the country with more than 16,000 cases being reported every year. This disease occurs when the immune system of the body can’t differentiate between the healthy tissues and harmful germs, leading to the creation of antibodies that attack healthy cells and tissues.
Symptoms and Complications of Multiple Sclerosis

Symptoms and Complications of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an extremely dangerous disease that can lead to the potential disabling of the central nervous system and the brain. When it comes to multiple sclerosis, the immune system goes haywire. It attacks the myelin, the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers. This leads to functional problems between the brain and the rest of the body.
Ways to Manage Nerve Pain from Shingles

Ways to Manage Nerve Pain from Shingles

Shingle is an infection which is caused by the same virus that gives you chickenpox and it appears as a painful rash which generally persists for 4 weeks at most. The condition causes an itching sensation, burning, all-around discomfort, and immense pain in its duration. While the symptoms of the disease are quite hard to handle, they can be managed and put to rest with effective treatment and by practicing home remedies.
High Cholesterol – Symptoms and Treatment Options

High Cholesterol – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Cholesterol is a thick and waxy, fat-like substance widely found in every cell of the body. Produced by the liver, cholesterol is essential for the production of certain hormones, vitamin D as well as some substances that aid in digestion. Cholesterol is transported through the bloodstream by small particles called lipoproteins.
Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Tips for Pain Relief

Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Tips for Pain Relief

Fibromyalgia is a condition in which a person suffers from excess musculoskeletal pain and fatigue without having any physical injury or inflammation. The cause(s) of fibromyalgia is still unknown; however, many doctors suggest it to be genetics. The symptoms may develop after an illness, physical trauma or stress. There are various options for pain relief for fibromyalgia, but first, let us have a look at its symptoms.
Know More about Fibromyalgia Tender Points

Know More about Fibromyalgia Tender Points

Fibromyalgia is the second most common disease in the country that affects the muscles and bones. The most common symptoms of the disease are feeling fatigued for no apparent reason and extreme pain in the joints. One of the main problems of this disease is that you may or may not know that you are suffering from the disease.
Causes and Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease

Causes and Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder disease is caused by the accumulation of gallstones. Gallstones are structures formed by a combination of cholesterol, calcium, and bile salts. These structures are not stones but pieces of solid matter that form in the gallbladder, which is a small organ located under the liver in the upper right region of the abdomen.