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Home loans and mortgage

Home loans and mortgage

Whether you are shopping for your first house or if you are moving to something better, it is better to know all the facts about home loans before making your move. There are many kinds of loans. Mortgages are the most well-known type. A mortgage is a type of secured loan pertaining to real estate or house.
Things to know about mortgage calculators

Things to know about mortgage calculators

Mortgage calculators are available online and can be very easily used to ascertain how much will be your interest component you will be incurring on the loan amount or how big a mortgage can you afford. But here are a few things you should be very well aware of and consider while calculating your mortgage.
Tips on using a mortgage calculator

Tips on using a mortgage calculator

The biggest expense incurred by any person who takes up a mortgage is the interest component. Not many people realize this, but by the time they have finished paying off all the installment on the mortgage, they have actually paid an interest component which is significantly larger than the actual mortgage taken.
Points to consider before availing cash out refinance

Points to consider before availing cash out refinance

A cash-out refinance replaces your current mortgage with a new loan. You can pay off your current debt obligation and use the balance amount to gain additional funds that can be used for home renovations. The balance amount is made available from the home equity. It is not usual for people to opt for a cash-out refinance as there are many drawbacks to taking one.
How does economic activity affect the mortgage rates

How does economic activity affect the mortgage rates

You might wonder what goes behind the forever’ fluctuating mortgage rates. The answer would be inflation rates of the country and the financial policies set by the treasuries and the Federal Reserve. How? These factors along with few other fiscal factors, directly decide how much investors are willing to pay in order to invest in the mortgage backed securities, popularly known as MBS.
What Is Relocation Mortgage

What Is Relocation Mortgage

Every company mentions clearly in its offer letter to all employees that the location of the job could be at any place depending on the requirement of the company. In most cases, this clause is inserted just to cover all bases. No company likes to relocate its employees unless it is absolutely necessary.
What Is A Mortgage Bond

What Is A Mortgage Bond

Mortgage bonds are highly secure debt instruments collateralized by mortgages or pools of mortgages. These bonds are secured by real estate or property. If the borrower defaults, the bondholder can sell off the secured property to compensate his losses. Lenders rarely retain the mortgages and usually sell them to investment banks or government-sponsored entities (GSE’s).
Everything About A Rollover Mortgage

Everything About A Rollover Mortgage

By definition, a rollover mortgage is a mortgage wherein the pending or the outstanding balance is required to be refinanced after every few years at the interest rates that were prevailing back then. A rollover mortgage enables the issuer to earn more money than they would on a regular mortgage.
Here’s A Breakdown Of How Mortgage Allocation Works

Here’s A Breakdown Of How Mortgage Allocation Works

When mortgage-related information is given to a mortgage-backed security buyer by a mortgage-backed security seller, it is called mortgage allocation. When the mortgages that make up a mortgage-backed security (MBS) are not established at the time of the trade, the MBS is traded in secondary markets as TBA (to-be-announced) trades.
Know Whether A 30 Year Mortgage Is A Smart Financial Choice

Know Whether A 30 Year Mortgage Is A Smart Financial Choice

A home loan that can be paid off completely in 30 years along with interests and closing costs is known as a 30-year mortgage. Most 30-year mortgages have a fixed rate, which means the interest rate stays the same for the entire duration of the loan. If you are planning to apply for a 30-year mortgage, here are a few advantages and disadvantages for you to know whether such mortgages are a smart choice.
Here’s What You Need To Know About Mortgage Fallout

Here’s What You Need To Know About Mortgage Fallout

A mortgage fallout refers to a scenario where a proposed loan tends to fall through before closing. Mortgage fallout is mainly the aggregate percentage of the mortgage, which fails to close. Mortgage producers and mortgage companies keep a constant tab on the mortgage fallout. Generally, a mortgage takes around two or more months to close; the mortgage fallout rate is a clear indicator of the economy being stagnant which can be troubling for the secondary mortgage market.
Here’s What You Need To Know About Chattel Mortgage

Here’s What You Need To Know About Chattel Mortgage

Cash is often in high demand and low in supply, and keeping the money rolling all year long is a difficult task. Due to this, many people take a mortgage on their property to fulfill need for cash. The concept of a mortgage is quite simple: get money in lieu of any property or real estate possession.