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How to cut down cost on your hearing aids

How to cut down cost on your hearing aids

Disabling hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition that has targeted a large section of the American population today. Nearly 2% American adults aged 45-54, 8.5% aged 55-64 and around 25% aged 65-74 have hearing disability problem. But before you purchase a hearing aid it is necessary to check out the pricing of hearing aids and pick the one that .suits your needs and budget.
Common causes of skin rash

Common causes of skin rash

There are innumerable causes of skin rashes. Zeroing in on one will be difficult. However, you can refer to skin rash photos to understand what exactly caused your skin rash. There are a number of skin rash photos available; you can check online for skin rash pictures and choose your treatment accordingly.
5 different types of asthma

5 different types of asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition which constricts and swells up the lung airways. This leads to excessive production of mucus and sets off symptoms like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Over 25 million people in the country which includes both, children and adults, suffer from this condition.
Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of asthma

Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of asthma

A chronic respiratory disorder, asthma causes narrowing and swelling of the airways in the lungs due to the entry of allergens or irritants in the system. Therefore, the body reacts by producing excessive mucus which further leads to the onset of symptoms like coughing, chest tightness or pain, difficulty breathing, and wheezing.
Treat plantar fasciitis through orthotics

Treat plantar fasciitis through orthotics

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a name given to the tissues that connect your heel bone to your toes. It effectively supports the arch of your foot. Straining your plantar fascia can make them weak, swollen and irritated. As a result, pain shoots up whenever you walk or stand.
7 Benefits of Orthotics

7 Benefits of Orthotics

Orthotics has numerous benefits, and help people who are suffering from diabetes to those having basic foot problems. Here are some of the fundamental benefits. Foot pain Are you suffering from unbearable foot pain? Orthotics can rescue you, so don’t have to worry at all. Orthotics has the capability of maintaining the foot in a stable position.
Athletics and nutrition: Getting it right

Athletics and nutrition: Getting it right

When you are an athlete, there are a number of things that you will need to take care of so that your body is in the right state to perform in the long run. The quality of your athletic life does not merely depend on the kind of sports gear and training that you have, but also on your nutrition intake throughout the day.
Benefits of trampoline exercises

Benefits of trampoline exercises

Before one begins with any fitness exercises, it is important for the individual to understand the benefits that one can acquire from that. Trampolines have been a favorite when it comes to equipment for kids play, but rarely has anyone, especially adults, understood the benefits they can embrace from this machine that is fun and yet great for the health.
Know the top causes for dry itchy eyes

Know the top causes for dry itchy eyes

Chronic dry eyes cause the upper surface of the eyeball to be dry due to lack of moisture. Often this condition is accompanied by soreness or inflammation with bouts of irritating itchiness. Chronic dry eye relief can only be obtained, if we can diagnose and prevent the causes. If you want chronic dry eye relief, you should be aware of the below-listed causes for the ailment.
Understanding the causes of chronic dry eye

Understanding the causes of chronic dry eye

Chronic dry eye is a disease wherein either tear drops are not produced in a sufficient amount or the tears produced are not of the required quality for the lubrication and the nourishment of the eyes. Chronic dry eye disease is also referred to as dry eye syndrome. The causes of dry eyes are varied, and everyone should be aware of the same.
Ways of dealing with chronic dry eye disease

Ways of dealing with chronic dry eye disease

One of the most common eye-related diseases that are prevalent among people worldwide today is chronic dry eye disease. Around five million Americans are ageing 50, and above are estimated to have dry eyes condition. There is no permanent cure for this disease available, but there are ways of dealing with a chronic dry eye in the best way possible, so that its symptoms can be reduced.
Complex partial seizure: Causes, diagnosis, and treatments

Complex partial seizure: Causes, diagnosis, and treatments

A complex partial seizure, also known as a focal impaired awareness seizure, normally triggers in a particular portion of your brain, which is mostly the temporal lobe. This seizure mostly occurs in epileptic people and also victims of cerebral palsy. These seizures, which occur for a very short duration, make the victim unconscious for that period.